The RSL is about serving, supporting and honouring all service men and women who’ve represented our country in the Australian defence forces. Part of honouring those who served is attending RSL Commemorative days such as Remembrance Day, ANZAC Day, and other important days during the year; each year.
Join us in remembering those who served.
Up to date details will be posted on this page in due course once arrangements have been made at the Club.
On April 25 1915, Australian and New Zealand forces landed at Gallipoli and were met with fierce resistance from the Ottoman Turkish defenders. The military action was originally planned as a bold attack aimed to withdraw Turkey from the war, however the campaign quickly became a stalemate lasting for eight months and resulting in over 8,000 deaths among Australian soldiers.
ANZAC DAY Dawn Service – Friday 25th April 2025
The Dawn Service will commence at 06:00 hours at the Cenotaph in front of the Boronia RSL 198 Dorset Rd
There will be a gunfire breakfast plus soup and a sausage sizzle.
Full bar service will be available, so come in spinner!

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, one minute of silence is observed across the country to market the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front during WWI after over four years of gruesome warfare.
When – Sunday 10 November at 10am
Where – The Knox War Memorial
Located at the Tim Neville Arboretum, Dorset Road, Ferntree Gully corner Dorset Road and Francis Crescent Ferntree Gully to commemorate Remembrance Day.
Participants in the march are encouraged to wear their medals and/or medals of their relatives who have served in the armed forces.
The ceremony in Knox is unique in that it is almost entirely conducted by students from local primary and secondary schools. School choirs and school children will participate in the readings and many more will assist in the wreath laying ceremony, flag bearers in the march and the flag raising and lowering ceremony.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the commemorative service on this very important day.